Sunday, May 21, 2006

Big Time Progress / Bear Wrastlin'

After several aborted attempts, Your Garden Friends succeeded today in securing a tiller and a truck in which to carry it. Big ups to John of famed Champaign band Shipwreck for the truck.

For those of you unfamiliar with the use of a tiller, it is sort of like a lawnmover with anger management issues. We are talking serious negative affect here. Sasha and I managed to bend the machine's animosity to our will, but to me it felt like wrastlin' with a bear. (Full disclosure: I have never actually wrastled with a bear of any kind, and hope to never be called upon to do so.)

Good news - we have progress. Below are some pictures and a link to a movie of an epic struggle between Sasha, the tiller, and a big weed. See how Sasha expertly forces the conflict between the tiller and the weed and escapes unharmed - sort of like being in a fight with a lion and then coming upon a shark and somehow convincing the lion to kill the shark for you. Ladies, Sasha also rides bikes, is in an excellent graduate studies program, and can cook well.

A small bit of bad news - I have killed a large number of beets through poor thinning technique. Rest assured that they have been replanted and five or ten of the original crop survived my wrath.


For Weeds - The Movie go here and click on the '2006_05210022.avi' link.

Now, pictures:

Hungrygirl and RJ weeding the lettuce

Beautiful onions, shallots, and peas

The Bear

Tim vs. The Bear

Sasha vs. The Bear

Tilled dirt + Dead Weeds = VICTORY

Nature's glorious abundance

1 comment:

planbreaker said...

i am very, very sorry that i missed out on the bear wrastlin'.